Friday, August 26, 2016

Does a Fluorescent lamp contain any poisonous Chemical? How can I clean it up in case it breaks in my home?

Fluorescent light tubes or Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs are known to glow brightly, there light is usually like that of a day light and they use less energy compared to filament light bulbs. With compact fluorescent light bulbs in service, the rate at which bulbs are changed reduces! So this can help save money. 
Besides their inner surfaces being coated with a fluorescent, fluorescent light tubes are filled with low pressure Mercury vapor and other gases which enable it to produce bright light. Mercury is a very poisonous chemical which should be handled with care.
Compact fluorescent light bulb
Compact fluorescent light CFL bulb/tube.

In case a fluorescent tube or a CFL is broken, the following safety measures should be taken into consideration:

  • Everybody should leave the room, when this has happened in doors.
  • Let there be an air flow in the room, for 10 to 15 minutes by opening a window and a door.
  • Switch off, if any, the air conditioning system.
  • Collect materials needed to clean up broken bulb:
    • stiff paper or cardboard
    • damp paper towels or disposable wet wipes
    • sticky tape
    • rubber gloves
    •  a sealable plastic bag or container.
Start the cleanup
  •  Put on rubber gloves and scoop up glass fragments and powder using a cardboard or a stiff paper. Place them in a sealable container or plastic bag.
  • Use sticky tape to pick up any remaining fine particles.
  • Wipe the area with a wet wipe. Also do the same on your shoes in case they have come into direct contact with the mercury powder.
  • Place all cleanup materials in a sealable plastic bag
  • Do not Vacuum as this can spread mercury all over the room.
  • After cleanup place all the debris and cleanup materials in your trash container, outdoor. Or take them directly to the trash containers of your local waste management authorities.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Continue ventilating the room for several hours.
However, the amount of mercury in fluorescent lamps is very small. Therefore don't be so much worried these precautions are to help cleanup broken fluorescent lamps in the right way.